Kinship and Demographic Behavior in the Past

eBook - International Studies in Population

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781402067334
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 286 S., 3.68 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2008
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The International Union for the Scientific Study of Populations Panel on Historical Demography applies a historical perspective, such as the importance of kinship networks for demographic outcomes later in life, to promote work of contemporary relevance. Connections over time, whether across generations or different segments of the life course, are an area of convergent interest among multiple disciplines. Specific topics of common interest are the influence of con- tions earlier in life on outcomes later in life, intergenerational associations in social, economic, and demographic outcomes, socioeconomic differences in health status and demographic outcomes, and the influence of industrialization and modernization on such patterns and relationships. Historical population da- bases, currently under expansion in a variety of locations around the world, provide longitudinal data on individuals across multiple generations and are especially amenable to the examination of such issues. Through a series of workshops sci- tists at the forefront of research on these issues were brought together in order to instigate a new wave of comparative work. Kinship and Demographic Behavior in the Past is intended to extend the disc- sions that occurred at two seminars, cosponsored by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, to a broader community of population scientists. Experts from many disciplines have come together in this volume to highlight the convergence of research by demographers, economic historians, historians, anth- pologists, sociologists, and geneticists.


Family and Kin as Immediate Providers of Well-being for Its Members.- Marriage and the Kin Network: Evidence from a 19th-Century Italian Community.- Mortality in the Family of Origin and Its Effect on Marriage Partner Selection in a Flemish Village 18th20th Centuries.- Villages, Descent Groups, Households, and Individual Outcomes in Rural Liaoning, 17891909.- The Importance of Family and Kin over the Life Course.- The Presence of Parents and Childhood Survival: The Passage of Social Time and Differences by Social Class.- When Do Kinsmen Really Help? Examination of Cohort and Parity-Specific Kin Effects on Fertility Behavior. The Case of the Bejsce Parish Register Reconstitution Study, 17th20th Centuries, Poland.- Places of Life Events as Bequestable Wealth: Family Territory and Migration in France, 19th and 20th Centuries.- Inheritance, Environment, and Mortality in Older Ages, Southern Sweden, 18131894.- Kinship as a Marker of Genetic Proximity.- The Influence of Consanguineous Marriage on Reproductive Behavior and Early Mortality in Northern Coastal Sweden, 17801899.- Postreproductive Longevity in a Natural Fertility Population.- Familial Aggregation of Elderly Cause-Specific Mortality: Analysis of Extended Pedigrees in Utah, 19042002.- Distant Kinship and Founder Effects in the Quebec Population.

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